Type 1 Diabetic Diagnosed Novermber 2010

William was diagnosed in November 2010 with Type 1 diabetes. The official diagnosis and first parent supply training day was the day before Thanksgiving. We spend all of Wednesday at Helen Devos Childrens Hospital learning how to count carbs, give shots, and check blood sugar levels. Whew....then we were sent on our way with a bunch of stuff and they said good luck, we'll see you in three months, and if you have any questions call us :)

WHAT???? OMG...... Here we go...

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Loving life again

Its been a long while since I've posted anything in Williams blog.... Life has been like a roller coaster...

Its not about me so I'll keep that to myself.
Things that have changed for William...
He's now in first grade and loves his new teacher and friends in his class.
He has a new stepdad and loves to wrestle and do "boy" stuff  with him.
He has more puppies and cats as friends and pets to love and cuddle with.

His sugar is still a little crazy but is maintained well. His last
A1c was 7.1
His Celiac still remains one of the largest challenges because he cant eat regular donuts.

We are happy happy happy, and enjoying life everyday.

Love you forever,

Friday, May 3, 2013

How Ironic life can be...

Williams Puppy Dog Lucky Boy, now 8months old and 91 lbs :)

We got him in November of 2012 for Williams 5th birthday and 2yr diabetes anniversary and Celiac Diagnosis... thought we'd do something fun... didn't realize how IRONIC life can be.....

we picked a dog that is now on a GLUTEN FREE DIET.... lol....and acts like William = head strong and willfull :)  How sweet life can be....

William is doing great and is super excited he is now "old enough" to go to his big school.... they just evaluated him for school readiness, and now thats all he can talk about. We can't wait till this fall...(I wish time would slow down a little bit, as the time seems to be flying by).

Diabetes wise.... his sugar is all over the place but we are managing and getting back in range...

Celiac wise...... Doing OK.. Sucks not being able to order anything off the fast food menus, but also makes us eat home more and slightly better choices....

Losing his first tooth was "not cool".... He didn't like the thought of falling asleep with his tooth under his pillow... It was ok when he woke up with money instead... He can be cute....

Lost his first tooth :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Winter Blahs.....

Mom really hates Celiac and Diabetes! William is a go with the flow kind of guy and taking it better than the rest of us... He doesn't even seem to mind having to take cold lunches to daycare (yet). He loves still being able to eat ice cream :) 

Wills BG numbers are getting better/ more stable but according to the endocrinologist a little to low. His most current A1c is only 6.8 which by the way is better than his grandmas :)  His target range is about 8 so they (doctors) want us to bring his average up a little bit.

Mom took Will sledding the other day at our favorite spot. He had a BLAST! He love being able to go down the big kid sledding hill and hit the "bumps". (mom not so much). His diabetes took over though and we had to leave after an hour and half because he was low (50's) and after several pieces of candy and it wouldn't come up, mom said enough....   Sledding is hard work ya know!

Happy Winter (or not) as we are getting enough snow this past month to make up for the whole winter....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Its Official- Celiac Disease too :( Had his scope this morning and visual results as possitive for Celiac, labs to confirm next week :( HERE WE GO AGAIN>>>>> Helon Devos Childrens hospital did a GREAT job with William, they got his IV in without 4 of us having to hold him down. (it only took 2) LOVE him, the Celiac is very depressing for me and dad today.. Lots of changes regarding food coming....

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

3 mo check

DR visit update. A1C= 6.9! Fantastic Diabetes care! Dad takes most of the credit as mom has been very busy with school and doesn't hear the 2am alarm clock go off to check BG. He has consistent dusk phenomenom where his BG climbs rapidly as soon as he goes to sleep. wierd... We are looking forward to his long term outcome, and his 2am checks are exhausting, but worth it because hopefully he will be able to keep his eyes, feet, and kidneys long term (80's)... He is really looking forward to his 5th Bday... Love HIM :) We participated with our first Step out and Walk to cure diabetes campaign. Will had lots of fun, especially the first JCI one where he got to pet lots of dogs....
Will and dad at Ford Field Detroit Mi watching Big Sister win State Marching Band Competition... Proud of sissy and her friends...
LOVED trick or Treating. He was Optimus Prime. Didn't like the mask though....

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 2012

So in the past month, William has been to see the Gastroenterologist (sp?) to confirm his labs as being Celiac. Celiac disease in case anyone hasn't heard is when his body can't break down gluton, which includes his favorite bread, donuts, pizza etc... He is going in for outpatient upper GI scope on Dec. 4... Diabetes will make that an interesting day...

His Blood Sugar numbers were doing really good until just recently.... now they are crazy again... around the clock unpredictable...

Will is loving school (preschool, daycare).  He goes 3 days a week while mommy is at work/ or school.

He just went to his first friends birthday party at CrazyBounce.  He had LOTS of fun.

He now asks when his birthday is every day because he wants to be 5....

He is still FULL of energy and is lots of fun....