Type 1 Diabetic Diagnosed Novermber 2010

William was diagnosed in November 2010 with Type 1 diabetes. The official diagnosis and first parent supply training day was the day before Thanksgiving. We spend all of Wednesday at Helen Devos Childrens Hospital learning how to count carbs, give shots, and check blood sugar levels. Whew....then we were sent on our way with a bunch of stuff and they said good luck, we'll see you in three months, and if you have any questions call us :)

WHAT???? OMG...... Here we go...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Its Official- Celiac Disease too :( Had his scope this morning and visual results as possitive for Celiac, labs to confirm next week :( HERE WE GO AGAIN>>>>> Helon Devos Childrens hospital did a GREAT job with William, they got his IV in without 4 of us having to hold him down. (it only took 2) LOVE him, the Celiac is very depressing for me and dad today.. Lots of changes regarding food coming....

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

3 mo check

DR visit update. A1C= 6.9! Fantastic Diabetes care! Dad takes most of the credit as mom has been very busy with school and doesn't hear the 2am alarm clock go off to check BG. He has consistent dusk phenomenom where his BG climbs rapidly as soon as he goes to sleep. wierd... We are looking forward to his long term outcome, and his 2am checks are exhausting, but worth it because hopefully he will be able to keep his eyes, feet, and kidneys long term (80's)... He is really looking forward to his 5th Bday... Love HIM :) We participated with our first Step out and Walk to cure diabetes campaign. Will had lots of fun, especially the first JCI one where he got to pet lots of dogs....
Will and dad at Ford Field Detroit Mi watching Big Sister win State Marching Band Competition... Proud of sissy and her friends...
LOVED trick or Treating. He was Optimus Prime. Didn't like the mask though....

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 2012

So in the past month, William has been to see the Gastroenterologist (sp?) to confirm his labs as being Celiac. Celiac disease in case anyone hasn't heard is when his body can't break down gluton, which includes his favorite bread, donuts, pizza etc... He is going in for outpatient upper GI scope on Dec. 4... Diabetes will make that an interesting day...

His Blood Sugar numbers were doing really good until just recently.... now they are crazy again... around the clock unpredictable...

Will is loving school (preschool, daycare).  He goes 3 days a week while mommy is at work/ or school.

He just went to his first friends birthday party at CrazyBounce.  He had LOTS of fun.

He now asks when his birthday is every day because he wants to be 5....

He is still FULL of energy and is lots of fun....

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Good summer A1c at 7.5. up a little from last  visit but this is not a surprise because of his illness and antibiotics.

He was tested for allergies and other autoimmune diseases and looks like he might have celiac disease too... poor little man. We have to go see another specialists for his opinion... The kid is only 4, can't he have a little break ? :(

Despite Diabetes, we are having a lot of summer fun. Swimming (lots), camping (yes, doing site changes in rustic campground really sucks!), and lots of smores (YUM).  His favorite, of course, are the smores..... :)

I love my little man.

Monday, July 2, 2012

another round of antibiotics.... ugg...

well, second round of antibiotics didn't work either, poor kid. He is pretty miserable (nose wise). Starting third round of antibiotics, with new Dr's office and an order for allergy testing.... To get the source and hopefully end this rediculous cycle...

Its been VERY hot here... we are not used to having weeks and weeks of 90's and little clouds and even less rain...

We hit the park via bike ride this morning and by 1030 am it was already in the upper 80's... whew....Will got to ride in the cart while momma did all the work though so he didn't really mind at all :)

We are hybernating in the AC most of the days when it gets really hot. Heat is hard on a diabetics body... especially when they are only 4.

Momma thinks the beach will be a good distraction for him later though.... (I can only take so much of the Wii ) :)

LOVIN' summer time....

Monday, June 11, 2012

First round of antibiotics didn't work. Back on second round of antibiotics again... Poor kid...

His BG numbers always look really good when he is on antibiotics though...

He had lots of fun playing with his cousins at Grandpa and Grandmas house this past weekend. We spent two nights there while having a yard sale.....

We are LOVING summer time....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sick again....

Back on antibiotics... another sinus infection (just like his mamma).  Darn genetics.....

He's doing pretty well, little cranky and tired. Burned some ketones yesterday because of the high BG from sickness, but better now.

We are loving the sunshine.  He can travel around the block on his little 12" bike (mostly without complaint). 1.5 miles is pretty good when not feeling well too.

I love my little man... can't believe that his is almost 4.5 yrs old.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

spring fever....

Hey all.. Will is doing great! His A1c is at a record low of 7.3 : We got a fantastic diabetes report from the ped. Endo..Makes us feel like all the lost sleep is worth it for his long term health. His BG has been stable for the most part with mainly under 300's for highs.. and a lot less super lows. He is still working on his dad on getting a dog, but we both know that we'd be the ones picking up the dog doo so he will have to keep working.... He went for his first motorcycle ride with daddy this past month. LOVED it! He is tired of being 4, he keeps telling us he wants to be 3 again, or 5. We think its because of daycare. He moved up the 4's room this past january and he's not liking it as much as the 3's room. :( The Dr's office actually got to take his blood pressure this time around. to bad it didn't read right the first time because there was no way they doing it again... getting there. William is starting to write his own name and is showing interest in learning to read. "what do these letters say?" We are ridding the bike around the block a lot, and he's already burned through his back tire... time for a bigger bike anyways....

Monday, March 12, 2012

back on the rollar coaster ride....

We are well into the year and no, I haven't been very good at posting to his blog. We as a family have been extremely busy.... With very little sleep to go around and a very long to do list, the blog is last on the list.....

We are having a hard time regulating his BG. We are having high highs, which makes him go super low.... our new all time low is 29.... Very bad news...

He seems extremely sensitive to carbs and insulin and the ratio changes every time we change insulin vials... Its hard to keep up.

We've giving the CGM system a break for a while because it can be so inaccurate, but then again we are having super lows. so I don't know what is worse....

Living with Diabetes really sucks, but we are thankful for the modern medicine.

Daddy hasn't been home much because of First Robotics, and momma is trying to keep up with the house and homework.... We are all looking forward to summer...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Good A1c !

Woot Woot! 7.7 A1c !
we got another Excellent Patient Care for Will's quarterly diabetes check up :).
The doctor and nurse educator was impressed at our ability to stay on top of things and said that his life expectations without Diabetes complications are looking good especially if we continue his great care....

After all the Sleepless nights, its nice to get a pat on the back once in awhile (even if it is only every three months):)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jan '12

So, it's now January of 2012. Will turned 4 in December and he is growing like crazy. We had fun sledding the other day with the years first heavy snow fall. He had so much fun, I had to keep feeding him food to keep his sugar above 90. He didn't care, he only cared about the girls he was winning the races with down the hill.

We've been really struggling with daycare and the quality of his diabetes care. It's gonna be a lifelong battle atleast until he is old enough for self care. I can't wait until he is old enough to carry a cell phone and I can call and check on him whenver I feel worried. Ok, so he probably wouldn't like that so much.

Will has been having several "lows" and we are not sure why. He is growing, but sometimes this rollar coaster can be a little much....

We sure do love our little man though.....