So in the past month, William has been to see the Gastroenterologist (sp?) to confirm his labs as being Celiac. Celiac disease in case anyone hasn't heard is when his body can't break down gluton, which includes his favorite bread, donuts, pizza etc... He is going in for outpatient upper GI scope on Dec. 4... Diabetes will make that an interesting day...
His Blood Sugar numbers were doing really good until just recently.... now they are crazy again... around the clock unpredictable...
Will is loving school (preschool, daycare). He goes 3 days a week while mommy is at work/ or school.
He just went to his first friends birthday party at CrazyBounce. He had LOTS of fun.
He now asks when his birthday is every day because he wants to be 5....
He is still FULL of energy and is lots of fun....