Type 1 Diabetic Diagnosed Novermber 2010

William was diagnosed in November 2010 with Type 1 diabetes. The official diagnosis and first parent supply training day was the day before Thanksgiving. We spend all of Wednesday at Helen Devos Childrens Hospital learning how to count carbs, give shots, and check blood sugar levels. Whew....then we were sent on our way with a bunch of stuff and they said good luck, we'll see you in three months, and if you have any questions call us :)

WHAT???? OMG...... Here we go...

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Loving life again

Its been a long while since I've posted anything in Williams blog.... Life has been like a roller coaster...

Its not about me so I'll keep that to myself.
Things that have changed for William...
He's now in first grade and loves his new teacher and friends in his class.
He has a new stepdad and loves to wrestle and do "boy" stuff  with him.
He has more puppies and cats as friends and pets to love and cuddle with.

His sugar is still a little crazy but is maintained well. His last
A1c was 7.1
His Celiac still remains one of the largest challenges because he cant eat regular donuts.

We are happy happy happy, and enjoying life everyday.

Love you forever,