Type 1 Diabetic Diagnosed Novermber 2010

William was diagnosed in November 2010 with Type 1 diabetes. The official diagnosis and first parent supply training day was the day before Thanksgiving. We spend all of Wednesday at Helen Devos Childrens Hospital learning how to count carbs, give shots, and check blood sugar levels. Whew....then we were sent on our way with a bunch of stuff and they said good luck, we'll see you in three months, and if you have any questions call us :)

WHAT???? OMG...... Here we go...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Long week!

Its been a long week! He's been sick with a cold. We decided to restart the sensor and its going better. Little more accurate than the last one which tells me that maybe the last sensor wasn't in properly since it came out so easily.
We had two bad sites in a row this week which put him into ketoacidosis. Almost had to make a hospital trip. We went back to injections and checking his BG every hour all night long (no sleep for mama). We went through four site changes in two days because he also pulled one off. Silly boy, doesn't he know that hurts?